Friday, January 20, 2012

So it's been a while since my last post...

It's been a while since I last posted. I had planned for this to be almost daily or at least weekly. It's definitely gotten past the weekly mark. I won't try to list something I'm thankful for, for all of the days I've missed. I'll try to aim for a summation.

One thing that I'm very thankful for is joining the gym. I joined at the Greenville Hospital system's Life Center in late December. I have wanted to be more in shape and look good for my wedding and honeymoon. It's definitely had more payback than just that. Everyday I see people in the gym that are recovering from something. Almost everyday I see the same man in there. He's there before I get there and still going strong when I leave. I love to see his determined, fighter spirit. It looks like he may have had a stroke and is weak on his left side. He continues to quickly push through laps around the gym. I also see oncology, cardiology, and pulmonary patients working. You can tell that it is often a struggle for them, but they continue to fight. First of all it's a reminder that I have good health. Secondly, it's motivating to see people who are struggling, but fighting to get a quality life back. I definitely think twice before skipping the gym.

I'm also thankful that all of this wedding planning is coming together. I was a little slack on getting started, but for the most part everything is coming together. In about one week, Grayson and I have ordered invitations, picked out tuxedos, chosen rentals and talked to two rental companies, met with the travel agent to book our honeymoon (which is still TBA), booked the cake and chose the design, booked the DJ, and chose music/singers for the ceremony. On Monday I am talking to a new possible florist. It turns out with the last one, I thought I had her booked, but when I changed the date I neglected to tell her. She only does flowers for a few friends and church members, so I didn't think this would be a huge issue. However, there is another girl in the church who is getting married on the same day. So, back to square one on flowers. I don't plan to get married without flowers, but as I have jokingly told others: "I have a dress, a groom, officiant, and venue... I think we're good." Of course there is one important thing that I'm lacking, and that is a photographer. I'm not going to stress out too much on this. I haven't found anyone in my budget that I like. I apparently have expensive taste.

I think at this point I'm most excited about the honeymoon. We have looked at quite a few places, but I believe we're settling on Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. It's very gorgeous there and offers quite a few things both in the resort and out. I've been so stressed about planning, I'm just so looking forward to relaxing!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Take

First of all, Happy New Year! I'm very excited for what this year will bring. In almost three months, I'll be marrying my best friend! One thing I would like to change about myself in this new year is to become more positive. I have often found myself being a "Negative Nellie" and I'd like that to change!

One thing that I will start to assist in this change is to record AT LEAST one thing positive per day. Many years ago I read about a lady who had a difficult life. She had a jacket with two pockets that she wore every day. Each day she recorded positive and negative things on slips of paper and put them in separate pockets. At the end of the day she would reread these slips. However, the twist was that the pocket with the negative slips had a hole in it so she only reflected on the positive aspects of the day. I would like to be more like this individual. Sure, I know that sounds like a corny story and it may or may not be true, but I'm going to go with it. I am VERY blessed beyond measure and very often fail to recognize it. So here we go-- we're going to praise the Lord in 2012! I want to give Him credit for a small portion of what He does in my everyday life (at least the parts I know about)!

So here it goes---->

January 1- 3
Thank you Lord for another year! I am excited about what 2012 will bring. I just completed graduate school at the University of South Carolina (we won't go there, but GO TIGERS!!). I received my Masters degree in Library and Information Science with emphasis in school library media. I am so thankful to have this behind me, and soon begin my new chapter with a full time teaching job. I hope to pursue my PhD in the future, but I'm definitely taking a break for now!

Sadler Grayce was born on December 26th! This was another blessing. Everything went well with mom and baby. Sadler is technically Grayson's niece until April 14th, but I've been counting EllaKate and Sadler as mine for quite some time!

My wedding is in April, which I'm very excited about, but starting to get a little nervous. However, I'm keeping positive thoughts, so everything is going to be okay! I'm very anxious to become Mrs. Grayson A. Kelly. We have been dating for almost five years now, and I'm very ready to be together for the rest of our lives officially. I know it sounds cliche, but Grayson has made a huge impact on the past five years. I really believe like the song says, "God gave me you for the ups and downs"!

Alright, so here's to three steps closer to "Positive Polly"!